This morning we kick off our annual GO Series, a week focused on God’s work and mission in our world and how we can join Him. In the books of Acts, Jesus tells his followers that they would “receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them. And that they would be his witnesses everywhere—in Jerusalem, Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This instruction extends to us today.

Here to share about us being Christ’s witnesses in our own Jerusalem or “back yard” is Geoff King. Geoff is a shepherd leader with a heart to see people, families, and communities, firmly rooted and expressively loved in the way, truth, and life of Jesus. Geoff graduated from Bethel University and now serves as CEO of Love Fort Wayne, seeking to convene The Church & community to love leaders, pastors, schools, and families with God’s love. The missional hope is shalom and citywide transformation.

Geoff also serves on several parachurch ministry teams, committees, and boards, is a pastor, speaker and committed mentor of young men. He enjoys running, reading, downtime with his family and traveling with close friends. Geoff and his wife Erika have three children. 

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