Stephen Love is pastor of Redemption City in South Bend. He was born in South Bend, where he came to know his Savior Jesus Christ as a young boy.

He accepted the call to preach the gospel in 2002 and served the body of Christ at New Life Fellowship Church in Waukegan, IL as Assistant Pastor. In 2019, Stephen and his family accepted the call to plant Redemption City Church in South Bend.

Stephen has a degrees in Pastoral and Theological Studies. He and his wife, Mandy, have been married for over decade and have four children.

Jeff serves as founding director of the Immerge Network which provides coaching and training to young leaders serving in immigrant communities.  He has been a regional director, a lead pastor, and a church multiplication coordinator for the Missionary Church. He also was Director of Strategic Partnerships for Food for the Hungry, an international relief organization.  

Jeff and his wife Christina and three daughters moved to New York City in 2007 to live on mission for the good of the city.  Jeff is a proud father to three girls. His daughter Kendra graduated from Bethel last spring with a degree in nursing.

Reverend, Dr. Theo Williams is an Associate Professor of Communications at Bethel University, where he has taught for two decades. He has a master’s degree in Urban Ministry from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, and a PhD in communication from Regent University. He and his wife Nicole have been married for 20 years and have ministered together locally, nationally and overseas. He is currently serving as the pastor at Covenant Community Church in South Bend. Theo has a heart and passion for young people, marriages, racial reconciliation and social justice.

This week is our annual IGNITE Series, a Spiritual Emphasis Week when we’re asking God to light a spiritual flame in each of us; one that will move us to know Him more fully, follow him more deeply, and reflect him more brightly.

Our guest speaker is Geoff Eckart, Lead Pastor at Daybreak Church in Grand Rapids. Geoff is also the Founder and CEO of Never the Same, a national youth ministry organization that aims to see new generations transformed in Christ through biblical discipleship and spiritual disciplines using theology, community, and technology.

Geoff was born and raised in Indianapolis, earned a Bachelor’s degree from Indiana Wesleyan University and a Master’s degree from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.

He’s an adventurist, an amateur land sailer, mountain biker, marathon runner, kayaker, and he’s hiked the elusive Isle Royale National Parkbungee jumped in New Zealand and been skydiving.

In 2020, Geoff took a several hundred mile prayer walk on the Trail of Death from Indiana to Kansas.

He is married to Arianna and together they have three daughters.

This week is our annual IGNITE Series, a Spiritual Emphasis Week when we’re asking God to light a spiritual flame in each of us; one that will move us to know Him more fully, follow him more deeply, and reflect him more brightly.

Our guest speaker is Geoff Eckart, Lead Pastor at Daybreak Church in Grand Rapids. Geoff is also the Founder and CEO of Never the Same, a national youth ministry organization that aims to see new generations transformed in Christ through biblical discipleship and spiritual disciplines using theology, community, and technology.

Geoff was born and raised in Indianapolis, earned a Bachelor’s degree from Indiana Wesleyan University and a Master’s degree from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.

He’s an adventurist, an amateur land sailer, mountain biker, marathon runner, kayaker, and he’s hiked the elusive Isle Royale National Parkbungee jumped in New Zealand and been skydiving.

In 2020, Geoff took a several hundred mile prayer walk on the Trail of Death from Indiana to Kansas.

He is married to Arianna and together they have three daughters.

This week is our annual IGNITE Series, a Spiritual Emphasis Week when we’re asking God to light a spiritual flame in each of us; one that will move us to know Him more fully, follow him more deeply, and reflect him more brightly.

Our guest speaker is Geoff Eckart, Lead Pastor at Daybreak Church in Grand Rapids. Geoff is also the Founder and CEO of Never the Same, a national youth ministry organization that aims to see new generations transformed in Christ through biblical discipleship and spiritual disciplines using theology, community, and technology.

Geoff was born and raised in Indianapolis, earned a Bachelor’s degree from Indiana Wesleyan University and a Master’s degree from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.

He’s an adventurist, an amateur land sailer, mountain biker, marathon runner, kayaker, and he’s hiked the elusive Isle Royale National Parkbungee jumped in New Zealand and been skydiving.

In 2020, Geoff took a several hundred mile prayer walk on the Trail of Death from Indiana to Kansas.

He is married to Arianna and together they have three daughters.

This week is our annual IGNITE Series, a Spiritual Emphasis Week when we’re asking God to light a spiritual flame in each of us; one that will move us to know Him more fully, follow him more deeply, and reflect him more brightly.

Our guest speaker is Geoff Eckart, Lead Pastor at Daybreak Church in Grand Rapids. Geoff is also the Founder and CEO of Never the Same, a national youth ministry organization that aims to see new generations transformed in Christ through biblical discipleship and spiritual disciplines using theology, community, and technology.

Geoff was born and raised in Indianapolis, earned a Bachelor’s degree from Indiana Wesleyan University and a Master’s degree from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.

He’s an adventurist, an amateur land sailer, mountain biker, marathon runner, kayaker, and he’s hiked the elusive Isle Royale National Parkbungee jumped in New Zealand and been skydiving.

In 2020, Geoff took a several hundred mile prayer walk on the Trail of Death from Indiana to Kansas.

He is married to Arianna and together they have three daughters.

This week is our annual IGNITE Series, a Spiritual Emphasis Week when we’re asking God to light a spiritual flame in each of us; one that will move us to know Him more fully, follow him more deeply, and reflect him more brightly.

Our guest speaker is Geoff Eckart, Lead Pastor at Daybreak Church in Grand Rapids. Geoff is also the Founder and CEO of Never the Same, a national youth ministry organization that aims to see new generations transformed in Christ through biblical discipleship and spiritual disciplines using theology, community, and technology.

Geoff was born and raised in Indianapolis, earned a Bachelor’s degree from Indiana Wesleyan University and a Master’s degree from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.

He’s an adventurist, an amateur land sailer, mountain biker, marathon runner, kayaker, and he’s hiked the elusive Isle Royale National Parkbungee jumped in New Zealand and been skydiving.

In 2020, Geoff took a several hundred mile prayer walk on the Trail of Death from Indiana to Kansas.

He is married to Arianna and together they have three daughters.