Dr. Chad Meister is a Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Bethel and the author of the book Evil: A Guide for the Perplexed, Second Edition. He spends most of his free time hanging out…
Katelyn Beaty is the author of A Woman’s Place and an editor at large with Christianity Today, where she previously served as the magazine’s youngest and first female managing editor. An Ohio native and a…
Cory Zurcher is the father of Liam who is a current Bethel student. He was born and raised in west Central Indiana. He has been married to his best friend of nearly 23 years. They…
Judy Peterson, Campus Pastor, North Park University Chicago Judy is passionate about communicating good news in everyday language and she travels across the United States and the world speaking to audiences about how to…
John Kaehr – Resident Director and Spiritual Life Coordinator. Featuring: Dr. Dennis Engbrecht, Dr. Tim Erdel, Dr. John Haas and Kaitlin Elsasser
Keith Koteskey, Assistant Professor of Christian Ministries, Bethel College- Christ Alone
Dr. David McCabe & Professor Cami Brubaker, Bethel College – Scripture Alone
Dr. Jason Nicholls, Redeemer Missionary Church: Scripture Alone.
Tyler Grant – Grace Alone: a testimony