Dr. Terry Chi, is an assistant professor of psychology at Bethel. Dr. Chi received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas, Austin and his master’s and doctorate degrees from the University of California, Berkeley….
Daniel Wallace has enjoyed 30 years directing camps in Michigan and Texas, and currently serves as the Executive Director of Gull Lake Ministries, a Christian conference center and family resort in Hickory Corners, Michigan. A…
As we enter our annual DUDE Week, it’s great to have someone sharing in chapel who actually helped plan and participated in the week while he was a student at Bethel. Cole Farlow graduated from…
Mark Matlock is a seasoned leader providing more than two decades of executive leadership to WisdomWorks as its founder. Previously Mark served as president of Youth Specialties. Mark has authored more than twenty books for…
For over two decades, Tony Natali has served in the Athletic Department at Bethel University. His past roles have included Head Men’s and Women’s Track Coach, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach, and Assistant Athletic Director. Currently…