We are blessed to hear from Sheila Wise Rowe, a truth-teller who is passionate about matters of faith and emotional healing. Sheila advocates for the dignity, rights, and healing of abuse survivors, those carrying racial…
Reverend Bill Jones is a veteran World Partners’ missionary and has been involved in evangelism and discipleship for over 50 years. Prior to serving overseas, he was involved in outreach to college students at Marshall…
Stephen Love was born in South Bend, Indiana, and came to know his Savior Jesus Christ at his father’s South Bend church plant as a young boy. Stephen and his wife, Mandy, have been married since 2010…
Dr. Don Bartlette is a Native American who speaks all over North America sharing his testimony of being a child overcome by hate and becoming a man overwhelmed by the love of God. He shares…
Each year one student from the Homiletics class is selected by his or her peers to preach in chapel. The goal is to choose someone with a capacity to study and rightly interpret a passage…
This week is our modified GO Series, a week when we focus on God’s work and mission in our world, whether it’s across the street or around the globe. We are privileged to hear from…
Joan is an accomplished educator, transformational speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur. She is passionate about empowering and inspiring women. She currently serves as the Associate Director of Experiential Learning and Leadership Development for Specialize Masters…
Spiritual Life Director and Assistant Director for Community Life
After graduating from Bethel University in 2006, Trace has spent the last 14 years in both full time vocational ministry as well as within the marketplace. His journey has taken him from working and leading…