Bob Laurent, Ph.D., affectionately known as “Dr. Bob” or “DB,” retired at the end of the 2013-’14 school year. For 17 years he served as vice president for college relations and professor of Bible and religion, gaining a reputation as a sought-after professor and mentor. At commencement that May, he was given the Professor of the Year Award, a testament to his impact on Bethel students, alumni, faculty and staff. He plans to enjoy spending time with his family, writing his first fiction book, and will continue to serve as teaching pastor at Granger Community Church.

Palmer Chinchen, a rising voice in the missional movement, is an author, speaker, pastor… and an expatriate. In his new book THE BAREFOOT TRIBE he invites this generation of innovative creatives and social-entrepreneurs to pool their best wisdom, abilities, and passion to remake the world good and beautiful as God intended.

Palmer is a relevant and engaging communicator who draws on his years of experience in Africa to pull the listener into the fabric of his message: Give your life away to change this world and God will change you. Palmer speaks widely on issues of justice, spiritual transformation, and a Christian response to affliction and poverty. Palmer spent many years in college ministry in Wheaton and southern California, and earned a PhD at Trinity International University, and an MA and BA from Biola University.